Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > The Grace of Cooperation


Love's Transcendence

We Are the World

Apr 11, 2015


Living in Love beyond Beliefs


*Gerard Jones, Reaching Out, Flickr

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As one nurtured from the Christian tradition, before branching out to seek Truth in other Paths, I find Fridays, the day Muslims meet to worship at the Chapel, a welcome time for me as a Chaplain. I get to greet them on the way into the Chapel, and wish them Blessings on the way out. I smile to each, and the smile is returned - remember our presentation on "reaching out" from a few days ago. In those moments I am hopeful I have shown another "face" to them of Christianity, and of humanity. And, truly, I am hopeful this Kindness we share on Fridays will be the chosen Kindness that others will make, as well, to bring us together to cooperate and fellowship globally - two unlike but alike communions-, for all our good as peoples who inhabit this Earth.

Why do I feel this way? Partly, for I have no other choice within. I do not wake up to consider it a responsibility, first of all, to love others whom might be judged harshly for their faith. I simply want to treat them with Kindness and affirm we are Together. For Love, or Grace, does not love out of obligation to love - Love loves, Grace graces, and no explanation or justification is needed and no reward sought. Love is Its own Blessing.

Possibly, we can all Love unconditionally enough moments to bring about a major shift from hate and segregation to grace and cooperation. Possibly, we each can play a small part by welcoming the grace of Love as the expression of Beauty into our lives and, thereby, transcend traditions and reach out to connect and be connected with. I write "possibly," but I know this is possible, and I affirm Love will prevail over hate and separation be healed through the power of Kindness. Amen.

*Arem Nahariim-Samadhi

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The Sacred in Me bows to the Sacred in You


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > The Grace of Cooperation

©Brian Wilcox 2024